This Cookie Policy explains how and why cookies, web beacons, pixels, and other similar technologies may be stored on and accessed from your device when you use or visit any Cameron James/BFMI Website. This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.
When we use the term “Cameron James/BFMI”, we are referring to the corporate structure and group of companies of which the data controller is outlined within our Privacy Policy. This Cookie Policy is issued on behalf of Cameron James/BFMI. As such, when we refer to “Cameron James/BFMI”, “us”, “we” or our Cookie Policy we mean the appropriate company within Cameron James/BFMI that is responsible for processing your data. When you purchase a product or service through us, we will inform you which entity will be the controller or processor of your data.
By continuing to browse our website without adjusting your browser settings to block Cookies (for information about how to do this, please see below Accept or block Cookies), you agree to our use of Cookies.
Cookies are small text files which contain a small amount of information that is downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. When you revisit the website or visit another website which recognises that Cookie, your device can communicate with the website and the website can read the information held in that Cookie.
We use Cookies to help you efficiently browse our websites and to save you time by not having to re-enter your details each time you visit. Cookies allow us to provide you with information and show you content relevant to you. We also use Cookies to analyse how our customers interact with our websites so we can improve the customer journey.
We use four categories of Cookie on our websites, based upon:
Some of these are “session Cookies”, which stay in place only for the duration of your visit to our website and are deleted at the end of your browsing session. Others are “persistent Cookies”, which remain on your device for a period of time after you have left the website. Cookies may also be placed by our approved business partners, which are known as “third-party Cookies”.
Strictly Necessary Cookies are required for the operation of our websites. These Cookies are essential to enable you to move around the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the website. Without Strictly Necessary Cookies our websites and back-end services would not work. If you remove or disable these Cookies, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to use our websites.
Our use of Strictly Necessary Cookies includes:
We do not use Strictly Necessary Cookies to:
Performance Cookies collect information about how visitors use our websites. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our websites. Performance Cookies help us to improve the way our websites work (e.g. by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily) and to recognise when error messages are being received. Performance Cookies don’t collect any information that could identify you. The information collected by these Cookies is either anonymous.
Our use of Performance Cookies uses includes:
Some Performance Cookies are managed for us by third parties, for the purposes listed above. For more information, see Key Third-Party Providers. You can stop Performance Cookies by setting your web browser to reject/block some or all Cookies. You may be able to block specific Performance Cookies provided by third parties by using the tools or preferences on that third party’s website (see Further Information Key Third Party Providers).
Flash Cookies make it quicker and easier for you to access websites on subsequent visits that use Flash technology. Deleting them means you may have to re-enter information each time you visit the same site.
Deleting Cookies in your browser will not delete Flash Cookies. You can delete Flash Cookies by going to the Settings Manager for your Adobe Flash Player. You will be taken to the Adobe website, which lists the websites with the cookies in your browser. Just click “Delete” opposite the relevant website.
Targeting Cookies record your visit to our websites, including the web pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We use this information to make our websites and our advertising relevant to your interests and provide this information to third parties.
This information may be used to trigger direct communications with you, for example, to send you automated emails tailored to your interests, unless you have opted out of receiving marketing materials from us. We may also use information from Targeting Cookies to trigger service support communications.
Our approved business partners may also place targeting Cookies. Targeting Cookies are generally linked to services provided by those third parties e.g. “like” buttons. You can control whether or not Targeting Cookies are used; however, if you block them, we may not be able to offer you certain functionality.
Our use of Targeting Cookies includes:
Flash Cookies make it quicker and easier for you to access websites on subsequent visits that use Flash technology. Deleting them means you may have to re-enter information each time you visit the same site.
Deleting Cookies in your browser will not delete Flash Cookies. You can delete Flash Cookies by going to the Settings Manager for your Adobe Flash Player. You will be taken to the Adobe website, which lists the websites with the cookies in your browser. Just click “Delete” opposite the relevant website.
Flash Cookies make it quicker and easier for you to access websites on subsequent visits that use Flash technology. Deleting them means you may have to re-enter information each time you visit the same site.
Deleting Cookies in your browser will not delete Flash Cookies. You can delete Flash Cookies by going to the Settings Manager for your Adobe Flash Player. You will be taken to the Adobe website, which lists the websites with the cookies in your browser. Just click “Delete” opposite the relevant website.
Pages of our websites and our emails may contain pixel tags (also referred to as web beacons, web bugs, tracking pixels, java tags and clear gifs) that allow our advertisers or service providers and us to:
More information about Cookies and managing your browser settings can be found at If you share the use of a computer, accepting or rejecting the use of cookies will affect all users of that computer.
Provided by our online advertising supplier, these cookies are used to serve our internet advertisements on other sites. Some of our web pages may contain electronic images that help us see how users interact on these pages. They may also provide DoubleClick with information about the interaction.
Our websites may use Google Analytics, which is a web analytics service provided by Google. For more information, including details of how to block these cookies specifically, please visit their website. Third-party cookies are also used to track your online purchases of Aviva products made through a third-party cash-back provider primarily to enable you to redeem cash-back rewards offered by such third parties.
You must comply with third cookie policies when you sign up for reward schemes offered by such third parties. Further, you acknowledge and accept that such third parties directly administer these third-party cookies and that the purpose, your ability to change cookie settings and or related limitations are set out in their respective policies.
Cameron James is an Appointed Representative of Blacktower Financial Management Limited and a member of the Nexus Global (IFA Network) which is a trading name of Blacktower Financial Management Limited who are authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. Blacktower Financial Management Limited FCA reference number 188611. Cameron James Limited FCA reference number is 945566.
For UK residents: If you have a complaint and are not satisfied with our response, you may refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service. For more information, please visit
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