Meet The Team

It’s important to know who you are working with. Meet some of the key people driving Cameron James

CEO, Founder & IFA

Dominic James Murray

My career in financial services began in 2010 during my Bachelor of Science (BSc) Undergraduate degree at Aston University in England. The degree required me to spend a year abroad working with an established organisation.

So my professional experience began in Brussels. I was employed by the world’s largest Independent Financial Advisory (IFA) working for the Senior Area Manager of Benelux. This was a great opportunity as I understudied a highly experienced IFA and was exposed to numerous investment strategies, including J.P. Morgan , Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs .

Senior Independent Financial Adviser

Jonathan Laws

I am the Senior Adviser at Cameron James, and focus on clients in the UK, US and Europe. I am a Lifestyle Financial Planner, focusing on helping clients to articulate their goals and then helping them put in place actions to achieve those goals.

Senior Independent Financial Adviser

Andere Casanova

In Cameron James, I excel in delivering holistic financial planning and advice to clients, by capitalising on my in-depth knowledge about financial markets and products together with my experience of delivering solutions to clients. Sound financial advice to clients and good outcomes for clients are my guiding compass.

Independent Financial Adviser

Dylan Baker

I am an Independent Financial Adviser with over a decade of involvement within the industry. I focus on clients both in the UK and overseas, assisting with their financial goals through holistic financial planning and by having a plan put in place that is tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.

Director of Operations

Neda Balciunaite

My career in financial services began in 2017 when I started working for Dominic James Murray as his Administrative and Personal Assistant.

After a year with the company starting to grow, I was promoted to Head of Administration. I helped to streamline the financial administration processes and managed the team for three years.

Since 2022 I was further promoted to Director of Operations, focusing on scaling the company and ensuring our processes are even more efficient with growing clients and team members in mind.

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