Dylan Baker

Independent Financial Adviser Dylan Baker Linkedin Envelope Early Career Hailing from South London, I was lucky enough to attend a prestigious private school, Trinity School of John Whitgift, where I completed my education, culminating in my GCSEs.   Having a thirst for independence and wanting to “stand on my own two feet”, I left schooling […]

Andere Casanova

Senior Independent Financial Adviser Andere Casanova Linkedin Envelope We are proud to announce that Andere Casanova has been promoted to Senior Financial Adviser at Cameron James. This well-deserved recognition celebrates Andere’s hard work, dedication and outstanding contributions to Cameron James and our clients.   In the 2.5 years she has been working as an IFA, […]

Jonathan Laws

Senior Independent Financial Adviser Jonathan Laws Linkedin Envelope Early Career I grew in Guernsey, and completed my schooling there, attending Elizabeth College for GCSE & A Levels. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015 with a BA in Economics. I took the opportunity that the US system allows, by developing a broad education […]

Dominic James Murray

CEO, Founder & IFA Dominic James Murray Linkedin Envelope Early Career When it comes to managing your money, it is important to know that you are receiving expert advice and not wasting your time. I am the CEO & Founder of Cameron James, and have 11-years of experience transferring UK pensions. I am a UK […]

Neda Balciunaite

Director of Operations Neda Balciunaite Linkedin Envelope Career My career in financial services began in 2017 when I started working for Dominic James Murray as his Administrative & Personal Assistant.   During my first year, I realised that admin is not just an admin, the role encompasses many more client activities. You quickly form personal […]

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